Sep 11 – 14, 2023
Europe/Athens timezone

New avenues and observational constraints on functors of actions theories

Sep 13, 2023, 6:20 PM


Pierros Ntelis (Aix-Marseille University)


In this talk, I will introduce a novel formalism for any field theory and apply it to the effective field theories of large-scale structure. The new formalism is based on functors of actions composing those theories. This new formalism predicts the actionic fields. Furthermore, I will discuss a generalised manifold with N-correlators of Nt- objects with or without contaminants. I will discuss our findings in a cosmological gravitology framework. We present these results with a cosmological inference approach and give guidelines on how we can choose the best candidate between those models with some latest understanding of model selection using Bayesian inference. references: A generalised manifold with N-correlators of Nt- objects, under review Functors of actions, published in Foundations of Physics journal

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