20–23 Sept 2021
Europe/Athens timezone

Localized and analytic braneworld black-hole solutions

Not scheduled
Oral presentation


Mr Theodoros Nakas (University of Ioannina)


In the context of a five-dimensional braneworld model with a warped extra dimension, we construct novel localized, analytic black-hole solutions. The geometry of the bulk spacetime possesses a higher-dimensional spherical symmetry, while on the brane the geometry is of a Schwarzschild-like form. The singularity of these solutions occupies a single point in the higher-dimensional space, which is located on the 3-brane. In addition, the horizon of these black holes shrinks exponentially as we move away from the brane. No exotic matter is necessary in order to solve the gravitational field equations in the bulk. All these characteristics make these solutions good candidates for solving the black-hole localization problem in braneworld models.

Primary author

Mr Theodoros Nakas (University of Ioannina)


Prof. Panagiota Kanti (University of Ioannina)

Presentation materials

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